Saturday, May 28, 2011

What up moto-vators.

I got my webcam. New videos will happen. In fact, one will tonight. Promise. Just jogged, feeling good.
Know what I found out I LOVE? Step aerobics. Doing it every day. I keep hitting these plateaus, it's frustrating. I know the whole "change your workout and change your diet" deal, but my self control and discipline aren't that great. Guess that's the new lesson to be learned.
This wasn't much of an exciting post, but I didn't want you guys to think I forgot ya.

Have questions, comments, concerns, or need motivation,
hit me up.

You shall be hearing from me tonight.
-A. Jarrah

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More V-logs?!

Got a new webcam with a built in mic, that'll actually fit on my laptop like it should.
What does that mean?!
New videos. Lots of new videos.