Saturday, July 16, 2011

Birthday resolutions.

I'll start by saying, happy birthday to me! :D I'm 19 years old today.
Now, normally people make those "New Years Resolutions". Well I decided today, it's a new year for me, so why not make a resolution? I've decided on making a lot of changes. I have a serious issue with anxiety, it drives me insane day in and day out, and I've gotten pretty good at pretending it isn't there to the outside world. Can't be a Marine if you're going to go crying about everything. That being said, anxiety's started hindering my Marine Corps goals, and that's just unacceptable. I'm not having that. So, how am I going to change it? Number one, I spend way too much time in the house, on this Godforsaken computer. So I'm changing that. Not by locking it up, or having it taken away, or something stupid. But I'm going to exercise my discipline and self control. This sounds lame, and really pathetic, believe me I do know that. Thus making me want even more to change myself. I really don't want to be that kid that people look at and go "wow, I got 10 bucks that says she plays Dungeons and Dragons.", not that I've ever played that in my life, but you know what I'm getting at. When more of your contacts in your phone are friends you met online than in person, you know you've got a problem. I plan to start dedicating my time to PTing and working on getting in Marine Corps shape. I really need out of the trapped life I'm living, and I'm going to get out of it. This is just ridiculous. I've started becoming an incredibly bitter person over the past two years or so, maybe longer. I have a lot of resentment and I know if I change the way I'm living, I'm going to feel some of that weight being released. Anyway, I'm getting tired now. Still anxious, so I guess I'm going to see about distracting myself. Goodnight to all, stay motivated, wish me luck, and happy birthday to me :P God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you! I spend a lot of time on the computer and not by choice. I'm a computer tech and do a lot of my school work online. I have to find interesting ways to keep moving. Every ten minutes or so I'll do push ups or air squats. Keeps things interesting. Oorah!
