Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Facebook question

Yesterday on FutureJarheads' Facebook fan page, I received this comment:
I can't lose weight for the life of me!! I run all of the time and I eat fairly healthy. I could do more PT but When I was doing it 4-5 times a week I STILL didn't lose weight. =/

Well Tina, a few things could cause that. 
1. Are you legitimately overweight? If your body has reached its ideal body fat percentage, it'll become incredibly hard to lose weight. You can always try a body fat percentage test to find out.
2. Assuming you are overweight, are you eating fairly healthy, but too much? The rule of thumb is about 10 calories per pound of body weight.
3. Is there sugar in your diet? Sugar is horrid for those in need of losing weight, and some foods are loaded with sugar without even seeming sweet. Be sure to be reading the labels.
4. Do you hydrate well enough? If you're drinking less than at least 64oz a day, it can hinder your weight loss. The rule of thumb for water is take half your body weight and put that in ounces, that'll be your daily intake.
5. Is your PT regimen repetitive, or too much of one thing? If you're doing constant cardio without weightlifting, or vice versa, you're going to have trouble. You need a good balance of cardio, strength training and a good diet to properly lose weight.
6. Have you already been losing weight? If so, you may have plateaued. If that's the case, change up your PT routine a bit and eat a little differently. The best thing for those wanting to lose weight is going by the lowest GI or Glycemic Index rating.
7. Carbs. Carbs pack on heavy weight. Breads, pastas, tortillas, anything starchy is carb loaded. That caused me to plateau around the 50 lbs lost mark, because I'm big on sandwiches. 

Stay moto-vated, if you have any other questions, comment anywhere on here. They're automatically sent to my phone, so you won't get ignored.


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