Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Long time no talk

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a long while. I know I'm getting more followers now that I've posted my link on I'm back though, I didn't forget. I spend almost every day at the Recruiting Station now, so I'm usually not here to write.

I currently have 30 lbs to lose by 11 Jul 2011. SSgt doesn't want to go by body fat percentage now, he wants to go by actual weight. So right now I'm on Slimfast and lean meats for 2 1/2 months. Now if only Oregon didn't have rain all the time so I could be more comfortable with running.
This weight loss thing is really stressing me out now, it's crunch time and I'm not sure if it'll happen. I went running a few days ago with a friend, did not do well. My endurance is starting to suffer and my leg strength is lower, I can tell. I plan to PT more often, for sure. Only problem is, I keep having headaches today and yesterday. Not sure why, and hopefully they cease. I'm assuming it's because of my glasses being very outdated though. Friday's the eye appointment though, hopefully that gets figured out and fixed.

What else am I doing....
Oh, I found another female that might enlist with me. She's still on the fence about it, but at least she's down to PT with me sometimes. We're supposed to be going running or something today, so I'm hoping that goes well. Right now is kind of a "moment of truth" since I have very little time to get this weight off. We'll see though. I need to get moto and stay that way or being a Marine is going to be a further stretch for me. I've lost a ton of weight as is, so hopefully this stupid plateau I'm on (AGAIN!) will disappear.

Anyway I started writing this over an hour ago and I'm already really distracted, so I'll leave it at this. I'll do a video sometime soon, I've been slacking.

-A Jarrah

I just noticed something funny.
My last name is Jarrah. Jar-head, oo-rah. Jarrah. Bahahaha.

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