Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Alright so, I think I'm going to try this Veganism stuff. I want to try it. Not only for the weight loss benefit, but I've heard it just makes you all around feel better. More energy and whatnot, supposing you do still get the nutrients you need. SO, wish me luck with that. Other than that, I've lost a little more weight, which is always good. I got my driver's license finally, that's exciting for me since that means I can go to the gym whenever I want. I don't say that as in I couldn't walk there before, but because I have somewhat strict rules around the house about not leaving after dark, and that's when I'd be the most comfortable going is in the evenings. Anyways, I just figured I'd mention the veganism so maybe I'd have something in writing to hold me to it. Hope you're all staying motivated, if not, let me know and I'll give you some kind of motivational story or video or whatever.

If anyone's got any questions or anything too, ask it! I'm here to answer questions and help people, don't be shy. Stay motivated, God bless.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Facebook question

Yesterday on FutureJarheads' Facebook fan page, I received this comment:
I can't lose weight for the life of me!! I run all of the time and I eat fairly healthy. I could do more PT but When I was doing it 4-5 times a week I STILL didn't lose weight. =/

Well Tina, a few things could cause that. 
1. Are you legitimately overweight? If your body has reached its ideal body fat percentage, it'll become incredibly hard to lose weight. You can always try a body fat percentage test to find out.
2. Assuming you are overweight, are you eating fairly healthy, but too much? The rule of thumb is about 10 calories per pound of body weight.
3. Is there sugar in your diet? Sugar is horrid for those in need of losing weight, and some foods are loaded with sugar without even seeming sweet. Be sure to be reading the labels.
4. Do you hydrate well enough? If you're drinking less than at least 64oz a day, it can hinder your weight loss. The rule of thumb for water is take half your body weight and put that in ounces, that'll be your daily intake.
5. Is your PT regimen repetitive, or too much of one thing? If you're doing constant cardio without weightlifting, or vice versa, you're going to have trouble. You need a good balance of cardio, strength training and a good diet to properly lose weight.
6. Have you already been losing weight? If so, you may have plateaued. If that's the case, change up your PT routine a bit and eat a little differently. The best thing for those wanting to lose weight is going by the lowest GI or Glycemic Index rating.
7. Carbs. Carbs pack on heavy weight. Breads, pastas, tortillas, anything starchy is carb loaded. That caused me to plateau around the 50 lbs lost mark, because I'm big on sandwiches. 

Stay moto-vated, if you have any other questions, comment anywhere on here. They're automatically sent to my phone, so you won't get ignored.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I just found these on my old phone's SD card. I was suuuuch a gross fatbody. I'm still overweight, but in comparison? I'm not complaining.
Stay moto.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hellooooo Poolees, Future Marines, Fatbodies and Marines.

Been a couple weeks, I'm still here! Just had a lot of stuff going on lately with my fiancee having just moved in. No worries, we're not getting married during my career. I've already been warned by Marines to not cross my career with my relationships. He's moved in to the house though, which is nice. Anyway, this isn't about my love life. I did a TON of PT-ing and other physical stuff today, so I'm pretty exhausted. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still around, didn't forget about you. I've been doing P90x again, and I love it. It feels so good. If you don't do it, you should. I hope everyone's staying moto-vated and feeling good, and if anyone has any lack in moto-vation, give me a holler! I'm always close by. A friend of mine starts the Crucible either today or tomorrow, I'm really excited for him. This is a really scatterbrained post because I'm doing a bunch of things at once, so I'm sorry if I sound totally random and this is poorly written. I promise I'm usually pretty dang good with my grammar and sentence structure! Haha. See you all later.

Stay motovated, God bless!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Birthday resolutions.

I'll start by saying, happy birthday to me! :D I'm 19 years old today.
Now, normally people make those "New Years Resolutions". Well I decided today, it's a new year for me, so why not make a resolution? I've decided on making a lot of changes. I have a serious issue with anxiety, it drives me insane day in and day out, and I've gotten pretty good at pretending it isn't there to the outside world. Can't be a Marine if you're going to go crying about everything. That being said, anxiety's started hindering my Marine Corps goals, and that's just unacceptable. I'm not having that. So, how am I going to change it? Number one, I spend way too much time in the house, on this Godforsaken computer. So I'm changing that. Not by locking it up, or having it taken away, or something stupid. But I'm going to exercise my discipline and self control. This sounds lame, and really pathetic, believe me I do know that. Thus making me want even more to change myself. I really don't want to be that kid that people look at and go "wow, I got 10 bucks that says she plays Dungeons and Dragons.", not that I've ever played that in my life, but you know what I'm getting at. When more of your contacts in your phone are friends you met online than in person, you know you've got a problem. I plan to start dedicating my time to PTing and working on getting in Marine Corps shape. I really need out of the trapped life I'm living, and I'm going to get out of it. This is just ridiculous. I've started becoming an incredibly bitter person over the past two years or so, maybe longer. I have a lot of resentment and I know if I change the way I'm living, I'm going to feel some of that weight being released. Anyway, I'm getting tired now. Still anxious, so I guess I'm going to see about distracting myself. Goodnight to all, stay motivated, wish me luck, and happy birthday to me :P God bless.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I thought this was interesting.

In a couple of my posts and even in a v-log I mentioned that hydration is really important. Now I am horrible at hydrating, it's not even funny how horrible. So tonight I decided to Google the benefits of hydrating, and they're pretty important.
Have a look at that

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Doctor's appointment today

Saw my orthopedist today for the plate and screws in my ankle. All is perfect, everything's completely and perfectly in place. My screws and plate won't be moving around or anything, ever, and they'll never have to come out. Such good news. There was a little bit of grinding in my bones but he said he doesn't see it ever giving me a problem. Marine Corps, you better love that. I sure do. :D

Stay motivated, I'll write more tomorrow.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Not completely about the Marine Corps.

It's dawning on me more and more with the day that people have no values anymore. Among the people I know who are Marines and future Marines, there's a lot more respect from them for people that don't even deserve it. Then again, I'm not one to decide what someone deserves. Either way, the way people are nowadays drives me crazy. Lying, cheating, stealing. It's everywhere, among nearly everyone. If you've seen Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click. Chapter One: Receiving, you probably remember SDI SSgt Nichols mentioning that a Marine never lies, cheats, or steals. Marines also uphold honor, courage and commitment. Now why in the world is that generally restricted to people who save lives? Why can't everyone have some sense of right and wrong that's remotely accurate. It's terrible. I have very little faith in humanity anymore. It's a wonder I want to defend the freedoms of these people. I'll end my rant here, I just needed to get that out. Thanks guys.
Stay motivated!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Why the Marine Corps, and some moto for fatbodies.

I started seriously considering and thinking about the Marine Corps when I was about 12-13. I was in middle school, and there was a girl who's brother was in Marine Corps bootcamp. As soon as she told me about him, I started eating, sleeping and breathing "Marine Corps". Come to think of it, maybe I was just sleeping and breathing it, because I've been overweight since I was a baby. Anyway, I started researching. I saw just how much pride Marines have in themselves. I've never been the most confident person, and that probably roots from the fact that I was always overweight. So when I saw how much respect Marines had for themselves, I really wanted to be able to say I had that too. It wasn't about the uniforms, or the benefits, or the pay. Funniest thing, I was in the car with my Recruiter the other day and we mentioned pay. I had completely and utterly forgotten that you get paid in the Marine Corps. I never once thought about that, because it didn't matter to me. (Now of course I'm completely excited to get paid for it.) But I digress..
When I hear my Recruiter say he's mentioned me to his boss, I get really excited. I always tell him "tell them I'll ship tomorrow if they'll let me. I'll take any job, Reserve or Active, just let me go." It's no secret how bad I want this. On top of the pride of the title, I'm going to have even more when I get to show every single person I know that I did it. I've been told countless times that I was too much of a fatass to ever get into the Marine Corps, or even the ARMY. Yeah, that's a stab in the gut, right?
The things that come with being a Marine are just added perks to me, just making it and earning the title alone is my life goal. So, the moral of this long and drawn out story is: don't give up on anything. There's nothing worse than giving up on yourself when you don't have to. You live for yourself and you can be whatever you desire to be as long as you desire to work for it. And to those who are struggling and desperately trying their hearts out to lose weight, enjoy the work you're doing. Don't ever get fed up or frustrated, love every second of it. Because every second you're trying your hardest, you're that much closer to proving to yourself you can do anything. We all have people we want to prove wrong, but you need to strive to prove yourself wrong above all. I'm telling you, you can do it. Stay freaking motivated. 


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Live webcam chat on Stickam

I'm on www.stickam.com/minajarrah right now, come in here and talk to me. It's noon and I have no plans, Recruiter's at the St. Paul Rodeo today.

Hop to.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Before and After pics

...That poor bench. Hahaha.

Still got some work to do.

Dieting tips?

There are plenty of people out there wanting and needing to lose weight, regardless of what they do for their career. Here's a few of my biggest tips.

- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Flush out all the nasty stuff in your body and keep yourself functioning.
- In the words of SSgt Nichols, be committed, not inspired. That's why most diet and exercise plans fail. You look at these people that lose weight, get motivated for a week, and give up. Weight loss takes time. I'm the most impatient person on Earth, it's a struggle.
- Don't eat sugar. You don't need soda, candy, chocolate, smoothies, your morning coffee. You just don't.
- Carbs will not be a good friend of yours when you're eating sandwiches and rice and pizzas. All that starchy stuff is going to pack right on.
- I drink Emergen-C. Those fizzy vitamin packets that you see in the commercials? Yeah they taste like ass but it gets the job done. My main reason for taking them was so I'd get the energy and B vitamins to feel good, so I'd want to PT.
- Sleep like a normal person. Don't go to bed at 0400 and wake up in the afternoon. Not only is that a ridiculous waste of a day, but your body wasn't meant to be up all hours of the night. That's why we're not nocturnal. (I say this as I'm up WAY past my reasonable bedtime.)

- My biggest mistake: eating out of boredom. You eat to live, not live to eat.

I'll post before and after pictures for you. Let me warn you, I'm probably one of the biggest tomboys you'll ever see. I am indeed female. Baha.


Saturday, June 25, 2011


Got a bunch of badass Sgt Grit stuff from FJ yesterday, needless to say I'm all excited and motivated. Just thought I'd share that.

If you're a Poolee or future Marine and haven't checked out Futurejarheads.org yet, hop to it.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

143 Days.

Its been 143 days since my first meeting with Staff Sergeant Spaulding. In those 143 days I've lost about 20 more lbs, gained 5 seconds on my flexed arm hang, become able to do push-ups off of my knees, and become able to run a full lap without stopping on the track. It may not be much to some, but it's a huge deal for me. I ran tonight, and it felt really good. Not necessarily because it was exercise, but because I was proud of myself for doing well at it. Hell, even going at all is a huge thing in comparison to how I used to be. Let me tell you about what my life was 143 days ago.

I spent every night awake, until about 0430 on average, some nights not until 0700 when my mother left for work. I had panic attacks all night long. Nobody understood why, and I was convinced they didn't care, because they had no idea what it was like. I couldn't eat or sleep until it was a matter of starving and dehydration, and passing out. I had a lot going on, I'm a teenager. To us I suppose everything is the end of the world, right? Relationships and losing friendships, it's just Hell on Earth when we teens deal with that. I always like to assume I act above my age, but I most likely don't. But I'll save my confusion on whether or not each age actually has a standard in maturity for another night. Anyway, back in those days I kid you not, I did not leave my home ONE single time for at least four months. It was a miserable existence. I spent most nights wondering what in the world I was doing wrong, or what it was I did wrong for any God out there to put me in this situation. Shortly after, I realized my anxieties and stresses came from the time I gave up on my enlistment. I was in a point where I didn't believe in myself one bit. Then came the weight loss. I like to believe God gave me an incredible gift in the weight that I lost, because I'd be nowhere near this point without it. Once I started seeing the changes, I finally returned one of Staff Sergeant Spaulding's many voicemails. I came into the Recruiting Station on January 31st, and from that point forward my motivation rose with the day. Things like being able to run, do a flexed arm hang, even wear a size medium shirt for the first time in 7 years. It's incredible.

If you think you can't, you're wrong. I started writing these blogs to motivate other people who mainly needed to lose weight in general, let alone wanted to enlist in the military. If you're a person that's ever thought you just can not do something, you're simply wrong. When people tell you "I've been there, you can do it!" and you don't believe it, they aren't lying. I never thought a day would come when I would weigh under 220 lbs. Ever. Now I'm on my way to becoming a United States Marine. It's an amazing point in life. I've got problems too, ones that have me in a relentless chokehold right now, but I guess becoming a Marine is just a tad more important. Find what's more important. You've got something, somewhere. Guarantee it.

-The highly motivated, A.Jarrah.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I've taken a ton of video in the past week, I'll upload tonight. Not all of it is Marine related, but it's fun to watch.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

What up moto-vators.

I got my webcam. New videos will happen. In fact, one will tonight. Promise. Just jogged, feeling good.
Know what I found out I LOVE? Step aerobics. Doing it every day. I keep hitting these plateaus, it's frustrating. I know the whole "change your workout and change your diet" deal, but my self control and discipline aren't that great. Guess that's the new lesson to be learned.
This wasn't much of an exciting post, but I didn't want you guys to think I forgot ya.

Have questions, comments, concerns, or need motivation,
hit me up.

You shall be hearing from me tonight.
-A. Jarrah

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More V-logs?!

Got a new webcam with a built in mic, that'll actually fit on my laptop like it should.
What does that mean?!
New videos. Lots of new videos.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Long time no talk

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a long while. I know I'm getting more followers now that I've posted my link on Leatherneck.com. I'm back though, I didn't forget. I spend almost every day at the Recruiting Station now, so I'm usually not here to write.

I currently have 30 lbs to lose by 11 Jul 2011. SSgt doesn't want to go by body fat percentage now, he wants to go by actual weight. So right now I'm on Slimfast and lean meats for 2 1/2 months. Now if only Oregon didn't have rain all the time so I could be more comfortable with running.
This weight loss thing is really stressing me out now, it's crunch time and I'm not sure if it'll happen. I went running a few days ago with a friend, did not do well. My endurance is starting to suffer and my leg strength is lower, I can tell. I plan to PT more often, for sure. Only problem is, I keep having headaches today and yesterday. Not sure why, and hopefully they cease. I'm assuming it's because of my glasses being very outdated though. Friday's the eye appointment though, hopefully that gets figured out and fixed.

What else am I doing....
Oh, I found another female that might enlist with me. She's still on the fence about it, but at least she's down to PT with me sometimes. We're supposed to be going running or something today, so I'm hoping that goes well. Right now is kind of a "moment of truth" since I have very little time to get this weight off. We'll see though. I need to get moto and stay that way or being a Marine is going to be a further stretch for me. I've lost a ton of weight as is, so hopefully this stupid plateau I'm on (AGAIN!) will disappear.

Anyway I started writing this over an hour ago and I'm already really distracted, so I'll leave it at this. I'll do a video sometime soon, I've been slacking.

-A Jarrah

I just noticed something funny.
My last name is Jarrah. Jar-head, oo-rah. Jarrah. Bahahaha.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Broke out of the plateau?

I was stuck bouncing between 182 and 185 for a while, probably about a month. Today I'm 180 lbs. I assume within the next week or so I'll be able to break out of the 80's and into the 70's. Let me add, I haven't weighed under 200 since...probably middle school. Just got done working out, so I'm tired as all get out. I'll probably write again tomorrow, for now I'm gonna hit the rack. Night.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Just weighed in and took measurements. I've lost another two inches in the waist, and one in my hips. Putting my body fat percentage now at 35%, when i started at 57%. I'm incredibly excited. All of this means I only have 7% to go until I'll be able to get my ship date, and all of that other exciting stuff. Just wanted to let everyone know :D

August 2010 - 226 lbs, 57% body fat.

February 2011 - 182 lbs, 35% body fat.

-A Jarrah

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Been away a while

Don't know what's killed my motivation the past week or two. I've hardly PT-ed, as much as I HATE to admit that. Good news in regards to that, I haven't gained any weight. Irritating news, I haven't lost any either. I'm trying to get myself on a routine, but it seems to be hard for me to find exactly what I want to do. P90X wasn't really my style, it was a good workout, but I think it might not be right for my PT. Been eating pretty good still, my starch intake is killing my weight loss though, I can already tell. I eat a lot of bread and rice. I haven't heard from my recruiter since the last time we met to go to the high school, which I need to change. It'd be a lot easier if my truck didn't have a dead ignition switch though. Anyway. I need to get back to business. I've allowed myself to slack off, and look where I'm at. Same weight I was before. Funny how true it is when they say "you get what you put into it".

Weather.com tells me Monday should be only partly cloudy, so I'm going to make it a point to get to SSgt Spaulding's office if he's there. Let's hope he is. Not being in there for a while demotivates me. Let's hope this time next year I'll be calling myself a Marine. We're shooting for the weight to be off by June. 4 months to lose 40 more pounds. Wow, 10 pounds a month. That seems like no sweat. Easier said than done, though.
This update's really scattered and random, probably not very well written, so excuse me for that. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still around.

Y'know, last night I laid in bed trying to imagine myself in a Marine's service uniform. It was hard to picture myself on a parade deck, earning the title. So I'm praying I get where I want to be. I can guarantee nothing would make me more prideful than actually earning something, and earning an EGA of all things.

About to sign off, but if you'd like to MSN me, feel free at: aminehjarrah@hotmail.com.
Think I might go for a run tonight, we'll see. I'll post again soon.

Stay motivated, work hard.
-A. Jarrah

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Couple updates

So for starters, I've been meeting with SSgt Spaulding at the recruiting station for the past couple days and it's been going pretty well. Thursday I'll be PTing with him and the other poolees, doing a 1.5 mile run. I think I might go for a 1.5 mile tomorrow as well, but I'll do it on my own just to see what kind of time I can get. As far as my dieting, I'm still doing really well. Keeping track of all my calories with www.livestrong.com and haven't been going over. Next week probably I'll be trying the 3 day diet. It causes rapid weight loss, but has been known to be effective and it's not all that unhealthy. If anyone wants to check it out or try it, you can find the foods you have to eat at http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-3-day-diet . It's VERY specific with the foods you eat, and guarantees about 7-10 lbs lost in a week. Do not try to do the same plan for more than three days of the week.

In other news, my ankle's still holding up great. I even dropped from the pull-up bar today at the station and it didn't hurt it at all, which surprised me. I thought it might be a little sensitive, but it wasn't. Oh, and as far as my MOS, I finally decided on what I want to do. I ended up choosing 3521, which is in Motor Transport. I'll be an Automotive Organizational Mechanic.

I'll probably try for another video tomorrow, I'll wait until after my run though so I can report on how it went. I'm tired as hell right now so I'm probably going to hit the rack here soon. You'll be hearin' from me tomorrow, later guys. Stay motivated, stay healthy.

And! My friend Zach McVey is working on losing weight to enlist as well, so check out his blog/vlog at zmcvey1.blogspot.com :) keep him motivated!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

P90X Tomorrow!

Tomorrow's agenda.
Since I'm up so late, I won't be getting up early.

0900 - Wake up
1030 - First IST!
1200 - First P90X session :)

Can't wait to not be a fatbody anymore. No, I'm not being down on myself. "Fatbody" is a Marine Corps term for anyone that's overweight. 


Just talked to Staff Sergeant Spalding, the Marine Corps recruiter in McMinnville. He said there's absolutely nothing holding me back from enlisting, after he took down all of my information. The only setbacks are my ankle will take a little bit of time to get a waiver, but it's doable. As well as my weight is still a little high. However, we're having a meeting on Monday about starting a PT routine for me and I'll be going running with the rest of the poolees (A poolee is someone that's already sworn in to the Armed Forces and is waiting to leave for boot camp/basic training. Also known as the DEP, or Delayed Entry Program.) at the recruiting station. I'm a little nervous to be running with these guys that are obviously fit and ready to become Marines, so tomorrow I'm going to do my first IST (Initial Strength Test). The normal IST would involve a flexed-arm hang, but I don't have a pull up bar to do it on. So I'll be doing a 1 mile run, which will need to be under 10 minutes and 30 seconds, as well as a minimum of 35 sit ups in 2 minutes. I think I've got the sit ups down, but the run will be a challenge. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I'm praying for strength and confidence, I really don't want to make a douche out of myself in front of all the poolees. They may not be Marines, but they're further in the game than I am. Wish me luck.

-Soon to be Poolee A. Jarrah?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

V-log numero uno

Today = No motivation. Oh well.

Today, I have had zero motivation. I woke up tired and sluggish, didn't want to get up. Didn't matter. I made myself go for another 25 minute run like yesterday, didn't stop at all. That might not be that big of a deal to those who are in shape, but when you're me? That's a personal best. I've never ran that long without stopping a single time in my life (other than yesterday). The entire time, I wanted to stop. Not going to lie. I was not in the mood to be working out at all. My legs are tired and sore from yesterday, again, didn't matter. I'm starting to learn a great deal about my limits. I was positive I would not finish the run. I surprised myself. It wasn't a sudden burst of energy or desire, it was just not taking "no" for an answer. That was the lesson I learned today. I'm not going to all of the sudden get a desire or urge to do the work. It's a matter of how much self-discipline I have to do what needs to be done. I'm actually feeling better too, now that I think about it.
Couple other cool things about my jog before I go, I didn't wear my ankle brace today or yesterday and have had zero pain. As well as, the other day I mentioned my chest has been having pain when I run. Today it took a lot longer before the tightness came, and it was hardly anything today. Must mean my endurance is building up? Hope so! Now I'm off to clean the kitchen for Mom before she gets off work.

I'll probably do a video next time, maybe show some more before and after pictures and whatnot. Later guys.

-A. Jarrah

Monday, January 24, 2011

Got obstacles?

What's holding me back from enlistment?
Not a lot. First and foremost, my weight. The Marine Corps doesn't take just anyone, so I've still got a little bit more weight to lose now. Second, I need to make sure I get the waiver for my ankle (For whoever doesn't know, I have a big plate and 13 screws in my leg). There shouldn't be any problems with that though, it's doing great. My orthopedist even made all of my reports really good because he knew I'm trying to enlist. Other than that, the only nagging issue I'm having is the tightness in my chest when I run. I'm going to assume it's just because I haven't run in months, and it's wintertime. It only lasts for maybe 5-10 minutes, so I'm trying to just ignore it.

By the way, my URL is "soontobe0151", that means the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) that I'm enlisting in will be 0151, which is an Administrative Clerk. This isn't for sure though, I'm not positive just yet if that's what I want to do. Part of me would still like to be a Military Police Officer (5811). Just thought I'd explain that to anyone who might be confused.

For now, I'm trying to refrain from the whole "when I'm in boot camp" talk, because I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket and assume that I'm going to pass all the physical testing at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). Who knows what could come up between now and then, I had no idea something like breaking my ankle was going to happen the morning it did.

Oh, and one more cool thing. I scored a 69 on my ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery aka the long annoying test you have to pass.) which is pretty good. You can get up to a 99, but 50 and higher isn't bad at all. That pretty much just means I'm not dumb, and I've got a good selection of jobs to choose from.

I'm trying to think of anything else that my family might wonder...I guess a couple might be "will you get deployed" and "how far from home will you be". I could absolutely get deployed, and chances are with the given state of our country right now, I will. There's no telling though. I'm going to be enlisting in the Reserves for now though, so I'll still be in Oregon. I won't be living in some far away state on base. I'll be able to live at home and do my deal as a civilian except for drill weekends, unless/until I get deployed. What else...for training, I'll be gone for 13 weeks, then home for 10 days. I'd love for everyone to write me letters. After that I'll go to MCT (Marine Combat Training), and then go to MOS school, which will be the Admin course in North Carolina, or MP (Military Police) school in Missouri. (Again this is assuming that all goes according to plan. We won't know anything set in stone until I go to MEPS and do all of my initial processing.) 

What is this for?

Basically, I don't want to keep updating my Facebook status with everything I'm doing in terms of enlisting. So whoever actually cares to know, can just come here. I don't know who's going to bother reading this, but I figure it'll be nice to look back on later on. 

I'm incredibly close to being able to enlist. The Marine Corps has a little higher standard when it comes to height and weight for enlisting, compared to the Army (which was my other choice). I decided there's no point in settling for less than what I want, when this is my life. I can make it happen.

I started in October weighing 226 lbs, and I'm 5'3". Ridiculous right? Well currently I'm at 181, which is pretty awesome. Still overweight, but I feel a lot better. My running is a lot better too! Anyways, I've lost 45 lbs so far, and I still have a little further to go. I'm pretty excited. I've had a lot of fears when it comes to enlisting. Being away from my mom, being in a new place, not knowing if I could make it, not wanting to be deployed. Then it occurred to me, what's the point of living if I'm going to be too afraid to do what I want with my life? That'd just be stupid. I've acted like a five year old a lot lately when it comes to the future, when it comes to my fears and not doing anything. It all made me come to a very simple conclusion.

Time to grow up.
Can't live forever.

Signing off,
A. Jarrah