Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hellooooo Poolees, Future Marines, Fatbodies and Marines.

Been a couple weeks, I'm still here! Just had a lot of stuff going on lately with my fiancee having just moved in. No worries, we're not getting married during my career. I've already been warned by Marines to not cross my career with my relationships. He's moved in to the house though, which is nice. Anyway, this isn't about my love life. I did a TON of PT-ing and other physical stuff today, so I'm pretty exhausted. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still around, didn't forget about you. I've been doing P90x again, and I love it. It feels so good. If you don't do it, you should. I hope everyone's staying moto-vated and feeling good, and if anyone has any lack in moto-vation, give me a holler! I'm always close by. A friend of mine starts the Crucible either today or tomorrow, I'm really excited for him. This is a really scatterbrained post because I'm doing a bunch of things at once, so I'm sorry if I sound totally random and this is poorly written. I promise I'm usually pretty dang good with my grammar and sentence structure! Haha. See you all later.

Stay motovated, God bless!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Birthday resolutions.

I'll start by saying, happy birthday to me! :D I'm 19 years old today.
Now, normally people make those "New Years Resolutions". Well I decided today, it's a new year for me, so why not make a resolution? I've decided on making a lot of changes. I have a serious issue with anxiety, it drives me insane day in and day out, and I've gotten pretty good at pretending it isn't there to the outside world. Can't be a Marine if you're going to go crying about everything. That being said, anxiety's started hindering my Marine Corps goals, and that's just unacceptable. I'm not having that. So, how am I going to change it? Number one, I spend way too much time in the house, on this Godforsaken computer. So I'm changing that. Not by locking it up, or having it taken away, or something stupid. But I'm going to exercise my discipline and self control. This sounds lame, and really pathetic, believe me I do know that. Thus making me want even more to change myself. I really don't want to be that kid that people look at and go "wow, I got 10 bucks that says she plays Dungeons and Dragons.", not that I've ever played that in my life, but you know what I'm getting at. When more of your contacts in your phone are friends you met online than in person, you know you've got a problem. I plan to start dedicating my time to PTing and working on getting in Marine Corps shape. I really need out of the trapped life I'm living, and I'm going to get out of it. This is just ridiculous. I've started becoming an incredibly bitter person over the past two years or so, maybe longer. I have a lot of resentment and I know if I change the way I'm living, I'm going to feel some of that weight being released. Anyway, I'm getting tired now. Still anxious, so I guess I'm going to see about distracting myself. Goodnight to all, stay motivated, wish me luck, and happy birthday to me :P God bless.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I thought this was interesting.

In a couple of my posts and even in a v-log I mentioned that hydration is really important. Now I am horrible at hydrating, it's not even funny how horrible. So tonight I decided to Google the benefits of hydrating, and they're pretty important.
Have a look at that

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Doctor's appointment today

Saw my orthopedist today for the plate and screws in my ankle. All is perfect, everything's completely and perfectly in place. My screws and plate won't be moving around or anything, ever, and they'll never have to come out. Such good news. There was a little bit of grinding in my bones but he said he doesn't see it ever giving me a problem. Marine Corps, you better love that. I sure do. :D

Stay motivated, I'll write more tomorrow.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Not completely about the Marine Corps.

It's dawning on me more and more with the day that people have no values anymore. Among the people I know who are Marines and future Marines, there's a lot more respect from them for people that don't even deserve it. Then again, I'm not one to decide what someone deserves. Either way, the way people are nowadays drives me crazy. Lying, cheating, stealing. It's everywhere, among nearly everyone. If you've seen Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click. Chapter One: Receiving, you probably remember SDI SSgt Nichols mentioning that a Marine never lies, cheats, or steals. Marines also uphold honor, courage and commitment. Now why in the world is that generally restricted to people who save lives? Why can't everyone have some sense of right and wrong that's remotely accurate. It's terrible. I have very little faith in humanity anymore. It's a wonder I want to defend the freedoms of these people. I'll end my rant here, I just needed to get that out. Thanks guys.
Stay motivated!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Why the Marine Corps, and some moto for fatbodies.

I started seriously considering and thinking about the Marine Corps when I was about 12-13. I was in middle school, and there was a girl who's brother was in Marine Corps bootcamp. As soon as she told me about him, I started eating, sleeping and breathing "Marine Corps". Come to think of it, maybe I was just sleeping and breathing it, because I've been overweight since I was a baby. Anyway, I started researching. I saw just how much pride Marines have in themselves. I've never been the most confident person, and that probably roots from the fact that I was always overweight. So when I saw how much respect Marines had for themselves, I really wanted to be able to say I had that too. It wasn't about the uniforms, or the benefits, or the pay. Funniest thing, I was in the car with my Recruiter the other day and we mentioned pay. I had completely and utterly forgotten that you get paid in the Marine Corps. I never once thought about that, because it didn't matter to me. (Now of course I'm completely excited to get paid for it.) But I digress..
When I hear my Recruiter say he's mentioned me to his boss, I get really excited. I always tell him "tell them I'll ship tomorrow if they'll let me. I'll take any job, Reserve or Active, just let me go." It's no secret how bad I want this. On top of the pride of the title, I'm going to have even more when I get to show every single person I know that I did it. I've been told countless times that I was too much of a fatass to ever get into the Marine Corps, or even the ARMY. Yeah, that's a stab in the gut, right?
The things that come with being a Marine are just added perks to me, just making it and earning the title alone is my life goal. So, the moral of this long and drawn out story is: don't give up on anything. There's nothing worse than giving up on yourself when you don't have to. You live for yourself and you can be whatever you desire to be as long as you desire to work for it. And to those who are struggling and desperately trying their hearts out to lose weight, enjoy the work you're doing. Don't ever get fed up or frustrated, love every second of it. Because every second you're trying your hardest, you're that much closer to proving to yourself you can do anything. We all have people we want to prove wrong, but you need to strive to prove yourself wrong above all. I'm telling you, you can do it. Stay freaking motivated. 
