Saturday, February 19, 2011

Been away a while

Don't know what's killed my motivation the past week or two. I've hardly PT-ed, as much as I HATE to admit that. Good news in regards to that, I haven't gained any weight. Irritating news, I haven't lost any either. I'm trying to get myself on a routine, but it seems to be hard for me to find exactly what I want to do. P90X wasn't really my style, it was a good workout, but I think it might not be right for my PT. Been eating pretty good still, my starch intake is killing my weight loss though, I can already tell. I eat a lot of bread and rice. I haven't heard from my recruiter since the last time we met to go to the high school, which I need to change. It'd be a lot easier if my truck didn't have a dead ignition switch though. Anyway. I need to get back to business. I've allowed myself to slack off, and look where I'm at. Same weight I was before. Funny how true it is when they say "you get what you put into it". tells me Monday should be only partly cloudy, so I'm going to make it a point to get to SSgt Spaulding's office if he's there. Let's hope he is. Not being in there for a while demotivates me. Let's hope this time next year I'll be calling myself a Marine. We're shooting for the weight to be off by June. 4 months to lose 40 more pounds. Wow, 10 pounds a month. That seems like no sweat. Easier said than done, though.
This update's really scattered and random, probably not very well written, so excuse me for that. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still around.

Y'know, last night I laid in bed trying to imagine myself in a Marine's service uniform. It was hard to picture myself on a parade deck, earning the title. So I'm praying I get where I want to be. I can guarantee nothing would make me more prideful than actually earning something, and earning an EGA of all things.

About to sign off, but if you'd like to MSN me, feel free at:
Think I might go for a run tonight, we'll see. I'll post again soon.

Stay motivated, work hard.
-A. Jarrah

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